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Oratorio de Noël

03-12-2017 19:30 - 22:00
Bollington Arts Centre
Address: Bollington Arts Centre, Wellington Road, Bollington, United Kingdom

Camille Saint-Saëns, best known for Carnival of the Animals, Dance Macabre and the Organ Symphony, was a young man of 23 when he composed his delightful Christmas Oratorio in 1858.
A perfect start to the Festive Season which includes carols with a French flavour and a new piece from the Choir’s conductor Donald Judge: a setting of La Cloche de Noël (The Christmas Bell) an atmospheric poem by Jean-Jacques Ampère written in the same year Saint-Saëns completed his oratorio.

Concert Tickets: £10 (£3 for 18s and under) 01625 575554